Your Soul is Heaven in You. You and Your Soul are One. Love Your Soul.
Your Soul is Heaven in You. You and Your Soul are One. Love Your Soul.
Everyone is looking for self-completion. Many people aren’t quite sure what they are looking for, where it is or how to find it. They just know that something inside of them is missing. What everyone is looking for, even if they don’t know it yet, is their soul.
Spiritual (Inner) oneness with the soul can be understood as spiritual aloneness, spiritual solitude, the singularity of the Edenic soul as I.
“I alone am; my soul alone exists (is).”
In spiritual oneness, the feeling of the heart and the awareness of the mind still function, but there is not a separate nature (I) of the heart and mind. The heart and mind merge with and become the heavenly faculties of the heavenly soul.
Soul Affirmation™ :
Turn toward and watch your soul.¹ While you are watching your soul, slowly and thoughtfully repeat to yourself:
“I am my perfect soul body. I am perfect ² life. I am eternal ³ life. I am my perfect soul body.”
Between every three recitations, or so, pause for a few moments and relax into the thought that you can become aware from your soul body at the inner dimension of your being. Then think about the mind of your soul body. Resume another three rounds of the Soul Affirmation™ and repeat. Eventually you will become aware from the inner (heavenly) dimension of your being.
As you relax into this process, you will begin to experience a fading of the sense of your physical body. Eventually all that will exist will be the heavenly vibrations of your soul body as you.
God is Soul (Absolute Life). The perfect manifestations of God’s holy nature and activity (energy currents and vibrations) as your individual soul is the Edenic Garden (Heaven), God as.
“God is, God as” is a reminder of what is true about who and what you are as the heavenly child (individual soul) and the Edenic effects of self-realization (soul-realization) at every level of your being and as every aspect of your life.
Your heart, your mind, and your body all claim to be you. But when you know your soul alone as I, the many parts that claim to be you disappear. Where there were many, now there is one.
I is one. You are I. I is your soul. Your soul is the substance (absolute life energy) of our Edenic Garden (Heaven). Desire to know your divine soul alone as I. Become more and more alone in your soul, and you will know that you are the Garden of Eden (Heaven) on earth.
The spiritual (soul) purpose of suffering physical nature is to repel us toward inner oneness (spiritual union) with our souls. If you were to move your hand too close to a flame, the heat of the fire would cause you to pull your hand away.
Likewise, any suffering you are experiencing at the physical level is telling you to pull away from the sensations of your physical body and move toward the Edenic sensations of your soul body.
It is easy to get lost in the question, “Why am I suffering?” But when we understand that the spiritual purpose of suffering is to remind us to return to our souls, and we turn and enter therein, we find that we are in Eden where suffering does not exist.
Your soul is a gate (particle) of Heaven (our Soul Universe). The heavenly light (life) of your soul will perfectly lead you out of physical darkness to its Edenic body. When you arrive at the gate of your soul, there will only be you, your soul, the divine child alone in God.
1 To watch your soul, it is necessary that you have first awakened to your soul at the inner (heavenly) dimension of your being by performing the Edenic Prayer™ and the Active Peace Technique™, presented on the second and third pages, respectively, of this website.
2 “Perfect” means pure; without sin.
3 “Eternal” means everlasting; without beginning or end.
The above article is an excerpt from the book Land of the Soul: Edenic Living by Alfred George Shaheen.
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