Your Soul is Heaven in You. You and Your Soul are One. Love Your Soul.
Your Soul is Heaven in You. You and Your Soul are One. Love Your Soul.
The Edenic Prayer™ and the Active Peace Technique™ (APT) are spiritual mindfulness in that one consciously affirms one’s actions while praying. They are “spiritual” mindfulness because both prayers bring the beatific energy of one’s soul into one’s actions.
Performing the Edenic Prayer™, “Lord, it is you,” acknowledges that it is your heavenly soul who is walking or sitting or writing an article: “Lord, it is you walking, Lord it is you sitting, Lord, it is you writing this article,” and so on. This is a conscious process that keeps your mind on what you are doing.
The Active Peace Technique™, consciously affirms to everyone and everything in the world, “I am at peace with you.” Here, “I” is your heavenly soul, “you” at the end of the sentence means everyone and everything, everywhere, and “peace” is the spiritual peace of your soul: “I — soul — am at peace with you — everyone and everything.”
When you bring the peace of your soul into your speech and actions through the APT, you demagnetize yourself from the influences of the world and deepen into the heavenly dimension of your being. As you pray “Lord, it is you typing [these words],” for example, you express, through your speech and actions (behavior), the deeper (purer) levels of the peace of your soul into which you have deepened via the APT.
Giving your [soul’s] peace to the world in your interactions will produce the karma of Heaven in your life. The karma of Heaven is spiritual union (oneness) of your heart and your mind with your heavenly soul. The karma of Heaven manifests as the alignment of your physical life to the life your soul is living in Heaven.
As you perform these two prayers throughout the day, you will find that you will naturally alternate them as they become relevant to an action. For example, the Edenic Prayer™ “Lord, it is you” naturally accompanies an action. But here and there throughout the day irritation and the like might arise, to which you could pray, “I (soul) am at peace with you (that which is irritating).” This will demagnetize your heart and mind from the world, allowing you to return to your soul and deepen further therein.
Perform both prayers throughout the day and you will find that your natural movement from one to the other is your soul leading you in prayer. Where is your soul leading you? To itself (spiritual union).
The above article is an excerpt from the book Soul-Cymatics™: The Principles of Spiritual Freedom by Alfred George Shaheen.
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