Your Soul is Heaven in You. You and Your Soul are One. Love Your Soul.
Your Soul is Heaven in You. You and Your Soul are One. Love Your Soul.
When you perform the Edenic Living™ prayers presented on the following pages, you will awaken to the inner dimension of your being, and you will know (feel and sense) your heavenly soul. As you move closer to your soul body, you will learn the meaning of the words “perfect” and “good.”
“Spiritual” means of the Soul. You and your soul — the inner (heavenly) dimension of yourself — are one body. Open your heart and mind to your perfect soul and you will know (feel and sense) that this is true.
My website presents excerpts from selected chapters of my books that will help you open to and purify your connection with the inner (soul) dimension of your being. The more you know (feel and sense) your soul as yourself, the more you will set free spiritual (soul) peace and joy upon this planet. As enough people do the same, the energetic atmosphere of Earth will become more like Heaven. This is how we bring a pure and lasting peace to this world.
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